
As a chirChiro Brisbane CBD. Brisbane CBD Chiroopractor I am lucky that I get to meet a variety of other awesome health practitioners. I recently had my first experience with acupuncture and loved it! I had always been nervous about acupuncture as I don’t love needles but surprisingly I found that it wasn’t painful and I hardly noticed when the needles were applied. The next day I found that I had heaps of energy and have had a couple more sessions since. I thought I would share a bit more information about acupuncture.

Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture involves inserting needles into various acupoints in the body to stimulate qi and blood circulation. This concept is believed to influence the flow of qi and blood to facilitate healing in the body. Acupuncture differs from dry needling which is often used by some physios and chiropractors. Dry needling is simply applying a needle to a musculoskeletal trigger point to release muscle tension while acupuncture is a holistic approach to healing the body by treating underlying cause rather than simply treating the area of pain or dysfunction.

I visited Tia Yong in Paddington. For more information about acupuncture and Tias clinic in Paddington check out her website

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