Overcoming Back Pain During Exercise

Back Pain during Exercise. Chiro Birsbane CBDBack pain during exercise is very common. There are a number of reasons why people experience back pain during exercise including just training too much! The goal of exercise should be to train not over train and pain is an indicator that damage is being done to the body. Don’t ignore pain when training, if you train through pain you will re -programme your body to function incorrectly which will take even longer to get things sorted in the long run.

There are a number of things that can cause back pain during exercise including soft tissue and joint injuries, muscle imbalances, faulty recruitment of muscles or more serious injuries such as bulging discs. If you are experiencing pain when exercising it is important to get a good diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors are trained to assess and treat a variety of back injuries and chiropractic care may be an effective way to treat, manage and prevent back pain during exercise.

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