
Sciatica Treatment Brisbane

Sciatica is a medical condition that describes a severe and ongoing pain that runs from your lower back, through your hips and buttocks and down the leg. The name derives from the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body, which runs from the lower back to the back of the foot.

It typically affects only one side of the body and varies in the range that it spreads. Additional symptoms include pins and needles or a numb sensation. The condition can take a debilitating toll on your body, affecting your ability to work and general quality of life.

Dr Miki offers sciatica treatment Brisbane. As a chiropractor, she performs spinal gentle spinal adjustments to heal areas of tension and pain, restoring the balance and function of the body. Chiropractic Therapy alternative to traditional medical treatments such as pain killers and surgery that can be helpful in treating sciatica.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica symptoms are typically felt in the lower back to the leg, with spread and pain levels varying depending on the severity of your case. Symptoms include:

  • Pain similar to a constant burning sensation or a shooting pain down one side of your leg
  • Leg numbness
  • Typically affects one leg only
  • Increased pain when sitting, trying to stand up, bending the spine forward, twisting the spine, lying down, and/or while coughing. These may be relieved by walking or applying a heat pack near the lower back region.

Common Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica is a symptom of an underlying problem, so it’s important to get a correct diagnosis in order to heal it. During your consultation, I will work to uncover the underlying cause of the pain and create an appropriate treatment plan. Below are the most common causes of sciatica.

Herniated Disc

By far the most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc (slipped disc). Spinal discs separate the vertebrae and absorb shock. If a disc ruptures, it leaks a soft gel-like substance into the spinal canal. When the two rub together, it creates compression and irritates the nerve root. The same irritation to the sciatic nerve can be caused by tumours, infection around the spine, injury or pregnancy.

Peripheral Nerve Entrapment

This is when the sciatic nerve gets stuck or impinged by muscles in the legs and sends pain down the leg. The piriformis and hamstring muscles are the usual causes. Treatment options include massage, physio or chiropractic to release areas of tension and stretch the muscles so it doesn’t happen again.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

This results from the narrowing of the spinal canal from an overgrowth of soft tissue, bulging disc or enlarged facet joints placing pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Typically found in older patients, this is caused by a weakened disc becoming exposed leading to nerve irritation.

Prevention Of Sciatica

Sciatica cannot always be prevented, however, there are good habits and exercises you can do to help minimise your risk.

  • Exercise regularly. Going for a walk, yoga or more rigorous training regimes that build strength in your core and lower back will assist in maintaining proper posture and alignment.
  • Practice good posture. If you spend long periods of time seated for work, be sure to set up your desk ergonomically and use a chair with proper lower back support, armrests and a swivel base. A pillow can help maintain the natural curve of your back and be sure to keep your feet touching the ground with your knees and hips level.
  • Use good body mechanics. Be mindful when lifting weights or heavy objects to let your lower extremities do the work and move straight up and down. Keep your back straight and bend your knees. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if the object is heavy or awkward.

Chiropractic Treatments For Sciatica

Chiropractors are trained to help with injuries related to the spine and can treat sciatica by performing spinal adjustments. Chiropractic treatments can use quick, high-velocity adjustments or use minimal force and gentle pressure activator adjustments. The adjustments are used to reduce pain and also ease muscle spasms.

Contact Dr Miki for Sciatica Treatment Brisbane

Dr Miki has a passion for helping her patients get back to living their life to the fullest. We help develop treatment plans for sciatica pain at our Brisbane Chiropractic clinic that can incorporate manual adjustments with at-home exercises plus health and lifestyle education.

Book your appointment today to receive our Brisbane sciatica treatment.

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