
Hip Joint Pain Treatment

Hip joint pain is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. It’s usually the result of overuse, worn joints or muscle imbalance. You may be feeling pain in and around the hip joint, or possibly the groin or thigh, which is causing you distress when moving around. Even simple activities like walking or sitting may be uncomfortable and this can take a major toll on your quality of life.

Fortunately, most people are able to relieve or manage their hip joint pain with treatment. Dynamic Chiropractic is a chiropractic clinic in Brisbane that has helped hundreds of patients. Dr Miki is an experienced, gentle practitioner that can help you with hip pain relief.

Causes and Symptoms of Hip Pain

Our hips are an important joint located on either side of the pelvis. They support the weight of the body and provide movement for the upper leg.

The cause of the pain can be varied — inflamed tendons (often from excessive exercise), arthritis, trochanteric bursitis, fractures and snapping hip syndrome are a few examples. It’s a condition that can often be developed as we grow older and our joints become worn. Sports or recreational activities can also put children or young adults at risk of a hip injury.

The symptoms you experience may be different depending on the cause of your hip pain. If the hip joint is affected, you might feel pain inside your hip or groin. However, if the hip problems are associated with your muscles, tendons or ligaments surrounding the hip joint, you may feel pain in your buttock or upper thigh. It may also be an indication that you are suffering from Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.

There may be a problem with your hip if you have pain in the following areas:

If you’re unsure, a consultation with Dr Miki may help.

Chiropractic Techniques

Dr Miki’s techniques are varied with each patient to suit their level of comfort. She may use a range of chiropractic techniques to treat hip injuries including:

As well as her ability to perform effective manual adjustments, Dr Miki is knowledgeable and skilled at providing education for at-home exercises, health and lifestyle changes that may bring about a better quality of life.

Book A Hip Pain Treatment In Brisbane With A Chiropractor

Dr Miki Humphrey is an experienced chiropractor for hip joint pain treatment in Brisbane. With her own practice in the Brisbane CBD, her services are open for all patients, from athletes to office workers and families of all ages. Her techniques are gentle and suited to a variety of conditions. Hip joint pain isn’t something you need to learn to live with. Book an appointment or contact us today to learn what a difference it can make.

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