Chiropractic Hip Pain Treatment Brisbane

Hip pain is a very common problem in people of all ages and can be a result of overuse, worn joints or muscle imbalance. Dr Miki chiropractor treats people from all walks of life who are suffering from pain in their hips. Chiropractic care is a great way to relieve pain as it can reduce inflammation, improve joint mobility and build strength in weakened muscles. Dr Miki is experienced, gentle and can assist with hip pain relief!

What is Hip Pain?

Problems within the hip joint can cause pain in the groin or the inside of the hip. Pain in this area can impact our everyday activities as the hips are used in many daily movements. The hips are required to sit, stand, walk and run. When severe or if left untreated, hip pain can reduce our quality of life and can even contribute to the development of long term issues such as arthritis.

Who Is Impacted By Hip Pain?

hip pain treatment brisbane 2It’s a common myth that hip pain and discomfort only presents in older people. In fact, many young people suffer from hip pain caused by underlying joint problems or childhood diseases and many 20-30-year-old athletes deal with overuse injuries. Patients who are 30-50-years-old often experience pain and discomfort caused by wear and tear of the hip joint.

Causes and Symptoms of Hip Pain

The symptoms you experience may be different depending on the cause of your hip pain. If the hip joint is affected, you might feel pain inside your hip or groin. However if the hip problems are associated with your muscles, tendons or ligaments surrounding the hip joint, you may feel pain in your buttock or upper thigh. It may also be an indication that you are suffering from Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.

There may be a problem with your hip if you have pain in the following areas:

If you’re unsure, a consultation with Dr Miki may help.

Book a Consult for Hip Pain Treatment Brisbane 

Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain Treatment in Brisbane

hip pain treatment brisbane 1Before starting treatment, chiropractors will always perform a complete examination of your pain to determine the cause. Dr Miki will assess your way of standing, walking and the specific movements that trigger pain in your hip. This will determine if it is caused by postural imbalances or something else.

A combination of chiropractic techniques aim to relax your muscles and muscle spasms, reduce inflammation in the affected area, build strength in weakened muscles and also improve your joint mobility.

Depending on the cause of the pain, you may be treated with a combination of chiropractic adjustments, posture improvement tips, exercise therapy, stretching or massage therapy.

Book an Appointment with Dr Miki for Effective Hip Pain Treatment Brisbane

Dr Miki Humphrey is experienced, gentle and offers treatment for hip pain in Brisbane. Get in touch with Miki or make an appointment so you can start recovery and get back to living pain free.

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