Do you have pain between the shoulder blades?

Pain between the shoulder blades. Chiropractor Brisbane City. Chiro CBDPain between the shoulder blades is a common complaint. There are a number of possible causes for tension in this area but a common trouble maker is the rhomboid muscle group. The rhomboids are a group of two muscles that run between the thoracic spine and the shoulder blade. These muscles develop active trigger points when we spend long periods of time with our heads forward and shoulders rounded, like when sitting at an office desk or looking at phones/tablets. Trigger points can also develop in this muscle when people spend long periods of time with their arms overhead or if they tend to sleep on one side with the shoulder blade compressed. Trigger points in the rhomboid muscles will cause an aching pain between the shoulder blades, which can be on one side or both sides of the spine. The pain is typically worse when not moving around and walking or upper body movement can relieve the pain.

Pain between the shoulder blades can be very frustrating if it becomes persistent. There are a number of treatment options and posture tips that can help relieve pain in this area. Prevention is also important when dealing with rhomboid trigger points. Good ergonomics at work and in day to day life will help relieve these trigger points. Been aware of not slouching and maintaining a natural curve in the spine is important. Stretching the pec muscles will also help prevent excessive rounding of the shoulders which can lead to the development of these trigger points.


Simons DG, Travell JG, Simons LS. Travell and Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual. Volume 1 Upper Half of Body. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1999.


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