Tips for cyclists with tight hips

Chiro city. Brisbane chiro cityAnyone who cycles more than once or twice a week is likely to experience tightness in their hips at some point in their cycling career. Cycling is known for causing trigger points to develop in the glute and hip stabilisers. If you have any issues with you hips associated with cycling here are a few tips that can help keep your hips happy.

  1. Stretch- This seems obvious but a lot of people don’t stretch regularly enough. After every bike ride get into 10 minutes of hip and glute stretches.
  2. Foam rolling and trigger pointing- After each ride another great way to prevent hip tension is by getting on a foam roller and trigger point ball. These two things are great for breaking up trigger points in the glutes and muscles around the hips.
  3. Correct bike set up- When getting a bike it is important to make sure that the seat is set up to you height. A bike seat that is either too low or too high can cause tightness in the hips, knees and lower back. Most good bike store have specialists who can perform ergonomic bike set ups.

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